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麻將 神來也麻將-台灣16張、麻雀HD

4.0 ( 2320 ratings )
Hry Board Casino
Vývojář: Gamesofa Inc.

【Rated Five Stars by Our Users】
The number one mahjong game!
。With 33 million users online, never wait for a game again
。Register for free and get 1200 bonus chips
。Super bonus simply for daily login!

= Features =
。Classic Taiwanese 16-tile Mahjong
。Improved connection links you to over 30 million users
。Larger, brighter displays for better control
。New reconnect function lets you answer the phone without worries
。Draw reminder – never miss any of your draws!
。Scheduled tournaments for more fun and competitions all around
。Easy to use controls you can use with just one finger
。Play a hand in three minutes, no more getting distracted
。Free coins to all certified members (up to 888 limit)

= Game Details =
。A set consists of 144 tiles which include characters, circles,
bamboo, honors and bonus tiles.
。How to win in Taiwanese Mahjong: get 5 melds (“pong” and/or
“chow”) and a pair (“eyes”)

= Additional Notes =
。Users can use their existing GodGame, Facebook, or Yahoo
accounts to play

Gamesofa- Fun in five easy minutes


. 免費遊戲:立刻下載可得1200神幣,三缺一也不怕
. 贈幣超多:連續登入玩麻將遊戲,天天領紅包
. 各種底台麻將局,想打多大就大打多大

-iPad 台灣麻將 遊戲特色-
. 正宗台灣16張麻將遊戲
. 全球3,300萬玩家,按兩下就開桌!
. 牌面大!更清楚、操作更容易!
. 斷線重連系統,網路斷線也不怕!
. 貼心聽牌功能,再多洞也不漏聽,還可以多一台!
. 每日定時線上麻將神戒賽,隨時拚牌技、爭排名!
. 一指出牌,操作直覺流暢,手感真實,爽度破表!
. 首創一手局(1/4圈),3分鐘胡一把,臨時有事也能快打一下!
. 認證會員免費補幣至888,每天都能免費玩線上麻將。

-iPad 16張麻將 改版內容-
. 財源滾滾來,天天登入領紅包!
. 新增麻牌桌,除舊佈新財神到!
. 十六張至尊,閃亮稱號等你拿!

-iPad 台灣麻將 遊戲規則-
. 一副麻將總共144張,包含「萬子」,一萬到九萬,共36張;「筒子」,一筒到九筒,共36張;「條子」,一條到九條,共36張及28張「字牌」和8張「花牌」
. 台灣16張麻將的玩法就是要將手中的牌湊成五組「順子」或「刻子」,再加上一對「將」才能夠「胡牌」。
. 四人中最先將手中的牌湊成五副順子或刻子及一對將者即為優勝。


Gamesofa 5分鐘.想樂最輕鬆